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Jay Alders is a distinctive and conscientious artist, photographer and designer from New Jersey. Best known for his original style and active involvement with musicians, artists and worthy causes, the charitable vegan sheds light on a fresh perspective that is enjoyed and admired by people within and beyond the surf community.

With a mind as well-rounded as the voluptuous asses he paints, Jay Alders is far from just a guy who depicts picturesque swells. He is a man with a provocative voice, a philanthropist’s stance and an active involvement in the motions of the wider world. His thoughts, musings and deliberations are collected on his online blog, a platform via which he has recently offered his thoughts on the Sandy Hook School shootings, the death of Connor Mitchell and the troublesome demands of the ego.

Alders’ paintings open the doors of perception to an intensely colourful world inspired by the likes of Salvador Dali, MC Escher and Lou Carbone, amongst others. The dysfunction of Dali and the vim of Vermeer give way for his unique and progressive style, imbued with the perks of hippie chicks in sundresses, abundant sunlight, old vinyl records and a healthy respect for the planet we inhabit.
Jay has confessed that he does not understand how people get bored. In a world with such a great wealth of opportunity; so many crafts to dabble in, so many challenges and such an unlimited supply of information, he points out that there is simply no time in this life for stagnancy. Seizing his openings, the great jack of all trades’ interests include surfing (you probably guessed that one), snowboarding, yoga, playing guitar, writing, travelling, scuba diving, skateboarding, debating, and many more. He’s also fascinated by quantum physics, psychology and the universe.
We could use more people like Jay Alders. People who remind us the world really is our playground and it should be celebrated with the passion, vitality and exuberance that can be found in his mighty artwork.

Jay Alders - Signs of living

For more information on the artist and news of his latest projects, be sure to give some of your time to:

Words by Sophie Deal

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